Because of our never-ending winter, the kids' BIG present had to wait until a couple weeks after their birthday's to be revealed. Finally, last weekend, we had warm, dry weather, so the fun could begin.
Brendan standing beside the white box...I wonder what is in there?

Oh my gosh! It's a 4 wheeler!

It came in a crate, mostly assembled save the handle bars, tires, and battery. It's a 110 cc, gas motor, children's 4 wheeler. Cary got to work assembling right away...

Meanwhile, in the house, Chance and I hung out and waited for the finished product...

It's done! The kids were eager to take a ride...

First, Daddy fills the tank with gas...

Before the kids can ride, though, Daddy has to warm up the motor... Can you see Brendan's feet? They aren't even on the ground - he's THAT excited!! :)

Still waiting...

It's finally time!
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