Christmas Weekend 2006, started off with our immediate family gift opening at my mom and dad's house on Friday night. We had a great time, and all received such fun and nice gifts!
Here, Halle admires her new barretts (she actually got three different kinds!) - she LOVES putting 'pity' things in her hair, and we've been using her barretts virtually every night after we get home!

Here Grandma Connie assists Halle in opening up one of her gifts...
Brendan knows the drill, and needs no assistance at all in ripping into his presents...
Halle is impatiently waiting for me to get the box open - she wants her....
BABY! She LOVES babies.
Daddy showing Halle the proper smooching technique.
More kisses for the baby
Uncle Doug let the kids choose a stuffed animal and Brendan chose this kitty - he loves it!

Halle, you've got to pucker your lips, like this...

Here is is giving his new kitty a big hug...
Here are a few pictures of Brendan trying out his new bicycle (with training wheels) - it's soo cute!

First, a picture of my cousin, Roxanne, and I...
Erica, Roxanne, myself, and Colin - (our other cousins, Carrie and Jacinta were also up for the weekend, but had to leave late morning on Christmas Eve Day)
Our family...

A cute picture of Kahri - she didn't want me to take it, can you tell?

A cute picture of Kahri - she didn't want me to take it, can you tell?

And, finally - Halle hopped up on Colin's back when he laid on the floor in the living room - ride 'em cowgirl!
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