Monday, July 21, 2008

The PBR Bullride!

Every year over the 4th of July weekend, Park Rapids hosts the PBR Bullride. This was the first year we've ever attended - it was a blast! The kids each got cowboy hats (though for some reason I didn't get a picture of Halle in hers) and had a great time.

Here Brendan and cousin, Cameron, pose while Halle eats her corn dog... Next it's Mr. Chance looking cute in his cowboy hat!
Time to ride some bulls!

Chance crashed out in the middle...
The older boys pose for another pic during a break in the action...
Ok, back to the action!

During one of the breaks, a group called "Guilty by Association" rode their dirt bikes and performed amazing tricks - here are a few shots...
( Yes, those are his feet in the air!)
This guy did a 360! Everybody went wild!

Also during one of the breaks, some local folks tried their hand at "Cowboy Poker" - notice the gray bull charging right for them!

What a fantastic night - the Bullride was so entertaining!

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