Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Halle!!

Halle's 3rd birthday was March 24th - unfortunately, we were still in the hospital with Chance, but since she isn't able to read a calendar, we didn't even tell her it was her birthday until we could be home with her to celebrate. So, it was "Happy Birthday, Halle!" on March 26th! :)

A pic of her gifts, balloons, and birthday flowers...
Happy Birthday, Halle! (yes, I decorated the cake myself...and sure you can hire me to decorate your next one...but I have to warn you, I'm pretty expensive :) Good thing she's young and doesn't know what looks good yet, eh?)
Halle had a wonderful birthday, and loved every minute of it!
Here are Halle and Brendan enjoying a piece of birthday cake (I just noticed the ketchup bottle in the photo - no they DIDN'T use the ketchup on their cake!)

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