Hello! It's been far too long since I've had a chance to update. We've been keeping busy as usual, and over the past 6 weeks we've done a wide variety of things including; going to Brendan's first hockey "game", which was very cute. We attended parent/teacher conferences for Brendan - which went really well; according to his teacher he's a great kid and has had no problems adjusting to life as a Kindergartner. His math skills are excellent; the teacher utilizes a program by which kids can learn math at their own pace and as of our conference he was already at the point that she hopes they are able to get to by the end of the year! She think's he'll probably test completely out of the program before the year is through. He's also reading easy books, which is so cute to hear, and best of all he loves school. Erica and I went to my first NFL game, the Vikes playoff game on Jan. 4th ,which despite the loss was a fun experience. Cary and I and our friend, Mike, went to see AC/DC in Fargo on Jan. 17th, which was a fabulous time. On Jan 23rd our neice, Kenedi, turned one and we attended her 1st birthday party in Guelph the next day. Brendan's school sponsored a "Muffins for Moms" breakfast where moms were honored, which I attended this past week. Also this week, I signed Halle up for preschool which she will attend 4 days a week begining next fall. Chance's vocabulary has increased by leaps and bounds of late, and he's discovered that he loves nothing more then climbing onto and standing up on everything he can. And if all of that wasn't enough...I also started training to run my first 5K!
Here are a few pictures from the past 6 weeks:
Our seats were awesome!
Chance hair gets curlier the longer it gets! He's got the personality to match, that's for sure!
Brendan is #9
They crashed on the way home from Grandpa David and Grandma Connie's house...
Brendan got a helicopter from Santa - can you find it in these pics? It's in the air!