Sunday, May 18, 2008
Bath Time & More!
The kids took a bath tonight, and I got a chance to capture some shots...

He's loves his bath!

Here are some funny faces I captured while washing his hair - the water had just been dumped over his head here...
Mid dump...
He actually leaned his head back after I started dumping the water, so regardless of how it appears, I wasn't actually aiming right for his mouth/face! And, despite the look on his face, he doesn't cry or anything - he just sputters a little then opens his eyes and grins!
Time to dry off!

A shot of his scar... it's getting smaller all the time!
A picture of our little side sleeper - this is how he sleeps every night. The brown and white things on his arms are socks, if we don't put them on before bed he scratches his little head.
The kids enjoying the sunshine and their new outdoor table!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Brendan's Preschool Graduation
On Wednesday, May 14th, Brendan and the rest of his classmates had their preschool graduation ceremony. It was such fun - they sang songs, wore graduation hats, received diplomas, and had a reception afterwards with cake and punch.
Here are the kids singing their songs (sorry the pictures are so dark, the lighting in the sanctuary wasn't very good and I was pretty far away from the stage). Brendan is the one right in the middle with the yellow stripe on his shirt...
Here are the kids singing their songs (sorry the pictures are so dark, the lighting in the sanctuary wasn't very good and I was pretty far away from the stage). Brendan is the one right in the middle with the yellow stripe on his shirt...
Brendan and his good friend, Brody...
Chance crashed out for much of the night...
Back at home, it was time to open the "graduation" gifts!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
I'm an updating fool! :)
Yep - a few more pictures to share... :)
Chance was being cute yesterday morning and kept twisting around to look at me...

And look what he can do!! He only stood for a few seconds before his knees buckled, but I thought he looked so cute I had to take a couple pictures. Hard to believe he'll be 6 months old on Wednesday, isn't it?!?
Chance was being cute yesterday morning and kept twisting around to look at me...
Friday, May 02, 2008
Our Never-ending Winter & New Pics of Chance
Thought I'd share some recent pictures... first are a few taken in our yard after the last snowfall we had - last weekend...ridiculous!

Then, here are several new ones of Chance. His new favorite thing is to play Peek-a-boo. It totally cracks him up. I lift the blanket up, he giggles, I let the blanket go on his head, he giggles, then his favorite part is using his hands to get it off of his face. Last night I accidentally dropped it over his head too much, so he wasn't able to get it off - he was furious! As soon as I pulled it off he gave me a bit of a "dirty" look then looked away for a minute - it was probably purely accidental, but it almost seemed as though he was thinking, "Real funny, Mom."
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