Because we will be gone this coming weekend, we decided to celebrate Easter a week early. Grandma Carol came down and joined in on the fun.
Wow - look at all of those eggs!

Just dip it in the color, and wah-la!

Ohhhh, look at that pretty pink!

The finished product!

Luckily, the Easter Bunny was ok with us celebrating a week early, so he hopped his way on over, too to hide eggs and Easter Basket's for the kids.
Halle really enjoyed finding eggs this year - the first time she's understood the concept!

What's that in Mom's wine rack?

Don't forget to check the microwave!

Well, what do we have here...looks like Halle's Easter Basket!

Nice shades!

Brendan's basket was in the bathtub ~

The kids sitting at the table with their baskets...

More fun to come, this weekend we celebrate Brendan's 4th birthday with a party at Grandpa David and Grandma Connie's house!