This weekend we traveled to North Dakota for our final Christmas celebration of the season. We got in around 8:30 on Friday night, enjoyed some heavy appetizers for dinner and opened gifts. It is always such fun to get together with everyone, and we stayed up until after 3am talking, laughing and playing games!
Here Halle poses by her new John Deere tractor (from Grandpa David and Grandma Connie) - she loves playing with them, and up until now had to use Brendan's tractors when she wanted to play - not anymore!

Brendan got a new wheel loader!

Ooooohhhh...princess dress up clothes (from Uncle Colin and Aunt Kahri) - FUN!

Halle modeling the tutu Aunt Kahri made - so adorable!

Then, on Saturday night the rest of the Finley family came over to Mom and Dad's house and we celebrated the season together - it was a wonderful time!
More presents!

The ever-growing family - here is a shot of all 9 of Grandpa Bill and Grandma Margie's great-grandkids (from left to right: Chance, Alexis, Halle, Calvin, Deserae, Allysa, Samahra, Brendan & Zack)...

Even better, the 9 is soon to become 10 as my brother, Colin and his wife Kahri are expecting their first baby (a girl) on January 19th!
A great shot of the grandkids (to whom all of the above belong!) (back row - left to right: Roxanne, Jacinta and Carrie, front row - left to right: Colin, Erica and Dawn)...

And finally, a shot of our family...

Thank you to all for making this holiday season a wonderful and memorable one!