It's harvest time on the Finley Farm and Brendan was lucky enough to spend last week Tuesday-Sunday with Grandpa David and Grandma Connie on the farm - fully experiencing everything farm life has to offer! Thank you, Grandma Connie and Kahri, for meeting us in Fargo to get the eager little farmer (Brendan, of course!) - he had an awesome time!
Halle & I went down - over the past weekend - to pick Brendan up, as well as share in the harvest experience (once a farm-girl, always a farm-girl; I LOVE harvest time!), Cary wasn't able to come with us as he had to study hard for his CPA exam (he took the first part of the 4-part-test on 10-4 - we are still waiting on the results!).
First, a picture of the awesome new 30th Anniversary gift we gave our parents (their anniversary was August 28th, and Colin and Kahri ordered the "Finley" log, then worked very hard to create a unique and attractive "display area" for the log - thanks for all the hard work and designing guys, it looks awesome!), mom is planning on planting flowers and shrubs next year which will look great!

Next, a picture of the combine, with the ENORMOUS all-crop head on; currently they are harvesting soybeans, and Colin was driving into the yard to prepare to move to another field...

Part of the 'move' prep, in this case - because the field was quite far away, and access to it was reached by going down a highway - included putting the head on a 'header trailer' to be pulled behind a pickup (which I drove), while Colin drove the combine, Erica drove the fuel pickup, Doug drove the tractor and grain cart, and Dad & Brendan brought one of the semis (while Mom stayed home with the sleeping Halle).
Here Colin sets the head on the header trailer...

It's set - and the combine is ready to drive down the highway...

Look how big it is! The pickup is a full-sized 4-door, and it's dwarfed by the 35 foot head...

One of Brendan's favorite parts of harvest is riding in one of Grandpa David's semis...

Here we are at the elevator, waiting for our turn to dump our beans...