My younger brother, Colin, got married this weekend in Oakes. A WONDERFUL time was had by all! Our entire family was in the wedding; I was a bridesmaid, Cary, an usher, Brendan was the Ring Bearer, and Halle, a Flower Girl. The kids looked SO cute, and did such a great job! Both walked down the aisle unassisted, and Brendan stopped at the end to give Uncle Colin a big hug! I cannot wait to see the pictures the photographer got - as it was, we didn't end up with any snapshots of Halle in her adorable dress - she was always on the go, then was gone for about an hour napping! We got plenty of video of everyone, however, to remember the day by!
Here is Brendan with Kahri - she looked gorgeous!

Brendan with Colin and Kahri - giving his new Aunt a big kiss on the cheek!

Brendan absolutely LOVED wearing the little tuxedo - it was his "special suit" - and he looked so handsome!

The reception and dance took place immediately following the wedding at the Angry Beaver in Oakes.
After dinner was over, we made Brendan cooler by removing his jacket, tie and shirt - he made quite the hilarious little "Chippendale"!

Brendan and Cam doing the "Hokey Pokey"...

Brendan dancing with Uncle Colin during the dollar dance...

Kicking up our heels to the music (I'm the one in the pink dress holding Halle)...

Cary and I...

Cary and my sister, Erica...

My cousin, Jacinta's husband, Matt, and myself...

My mom (after changing out of her wedding attire) dancing with Jake (one of the groomsman)...

Congratulations Colin and Kahri! What a great night!!