This past Saturday, the whole family packed up and drove 2 hours to the Chinakapa Zoo in Wahpeton, ND. Grandma Connie met us there, much to Brendan's surprise and delight (I didn't tell him she was coming so he would be surprised)! It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day, about 85 degrees, with a nice breeze; we couldn't have asked for better. We had a wonderful time and it was such fun to see the kids experience the animals (especially Brendan, who was old enough to really understand and totally enjoy the animals) and take in everything.
Polar Bears are TALL!

Mom and Brendan just "monkeying around"...

Halle's first trip to a zoo!

What a gorgeous day, and such a beautiful zoo!

Grandma Connie with the kids...

It is amazing just how close the animals are to you...

We really enjoyed watching the Gibbons; they are hilarious! They make crazy sounds, and are so entertaining!