Tuesday, April 13, 2010
As usual...
The family is doing great. Brendan is in first grade and is doing very well. His teacher is impressed by his math skills and reading and he is really enjoying school. That being said, he's getting eager for summer - the weather here has been gorgeous this spring and all of us have a pretty bad case of spring (summer!) fever! He turned 7 (7!) on April 8th and we spent his birthday eating his chosen birthday dinner, homemade pizza, with Erica and Josh and our family. We are hoping to get him into a summer program in Bemidji, at least part time, as well as swimming lessons. We'll see how the summer shapes up.
Halle turned 5 on March 24th, and is girl to the core. She loves all things pink and princess and Barbi. Halle is in a local preschool program, which, sadly is coming to an end May 3rd for the year...she loves going! Halle will spend the summer going to gymnastics and swimming lessons in Bemidji, as well as spending some days each week at Kay's house - our longtime daycare provider. I recently took Halle in for her 5 year well-child and the girl is tall and skinny! 75-90th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight. If only we could all be so lucky, eh?
Chance - ahhhh, Chance is our little charmer. He's an entertainer through and through and has the funniest vocabulary and logic. We celebrated 2 years cancer free this past March and he's doing AWESOME. The kid seriously keeps us laughing day in and day out with his hilarious personality. He turned 2 on November 7th, 2 going on 12, for sure!
Cary and I - we are doing great. Jobs are going fine, we are keeping very busy at and outside of work, and we even manage to spend a little time sans kids here and there. I recently received a promotion and will be moving out of mortgages and into the bottom floor of the commercial lending world. I will be serving as the bank's credit analyst, which I am very excited about. It's a great way to get your foot in the door of commercial lending, and it will be exciting to do something new and different. Not to mention, it will be an awesome learning opportunity for me!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Yes, I AM still alive!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Where does the time go??
Here are some recent pictures; I also started a web-album where I am putting the lions share of the pictures we take, I will continue to post some here, but to see the ones that don't make it on the blog please visit this site... http://picasaweb.google.com/acmewildcat1 All of the pics are there! I'm actually in the process of uploading some of our older pictures to the web-album as well, which is why there are sporadic older albums there. Feel free to browse through what you want to!! :)
Chance wearing my workout headband...
Halle and her friend, Macy - Macy is a month older the Halle, believe it or not! Halle is tall for her age!
Brendan's awesome cake!
Brendan and his friends, Brody and Coby...
Time to blow out the candles!
Presents! Chance and Kenedi hanging out at the bowling alley - (I LOVE this picture! Look at Chance hamming it up, and Kenedi giving him that 'look'! HA! So cute!)
After the party at the bowling alley we headed to our house to have some dinner, open more gifts and share some laughs...
Grandma Carol made Halle this gorgeous princess dress - I wanted to take a better picture of her in it after the party so I told her to put it on and dance in a circle like she was dancing with a Prince. The look on her face is what she thought of that suggestion! :)